Bollywood’s assistant director and aspiring writer, Shekhar Giriraj, permits a friend, Rajesh Kumar, to move in with him in his Chawl room, after the later is fired by Film Director, Ghosh. Shortly thereafter Shekhar quits his job, writes a movie script, and accepts an advance from VC Chhadha. He starts recruiting staff for this project, but finds his life shattered when his work is plagiarized by Rajesh; his sweetheart, Mansi, a reigning Bollywood actress, leaves her abusive and demanding family, and publicly declares that she will be moving in with him. Unemployed, forced to marry Mansi, he becomes neglectful, alcoholic, and goes on a road of self-destruction,
Posted on Friday, 14th December 2012 by Bollywood Entertainment
Tags: Arshad, DEEWANA, Hota, Kyun, RaoTrue, ShortKut, WarsiAmrita
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