Posted on Wednesday, 10th October 2012 by Bollywood Entertainment

If you are a Pakistani then work for your country no metter whatever profession you belong to. If you want to see your country Glorious then you have to work for that as well, because no one from outside will come to work for you and make your country the way you want it to be. Outsiders just enjoy the Rise or Fall of things, however its just our owns… who feel pain when you fell and who feel pride when you Rise…so guys as all the true Pakistanis want to see their Pakistan RISING…but unfortunately there are only a few who try to make it RISE…the day when every Pakistani will try to make his/her Pakistan RISE(no metter how small he/she could)on that day no power of this world could stop the RISE of PAKISTAN…I’m waiting for that day and InshaAllah the day is not far away… Allah o Akbar….Pakistan Zindabad

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