Posted on Thursday, 17th March 2016 by Bollywood Entertainment

**You can watch the edited version here**
Oregon State University faculty, staff and students participate in a choreographed Bollywood dance to promote diversity awareness on campus. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to bring this together. Help bring diversity awareness to your community.
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Posted in Bollywood Dance | Comments (19)

19 Responses to “OSU Bollywood Dance”

  1. Meghana Naraparaju Says:

    Can you tell me how you guys like mixed up the songs together? Like making them go one right after the other without cutting the music. Is there like a special software or something??

  2. khaleel ibrahim Says:


  3. harshwinder singh Says:


  4. Jasmine Hertel Says:

    Wow! Amazing!?



  6. Marjorie .Deck Says:

    I never get tired of this video, great job OSU!?

  7. newmoonshewolf09 Says:

    haha i love how they slowly come out of the crowd .

  8. Dillon K Says:

    awesome! i wish i was back in college performing dances with my crew.

  9. Tilak Sharma Says:

    watch this yong man dancing front row all the way to left.He made it perfect.

  10. Manoj Bisht Says:


  11. Chon Casamayor Says:

    Salami FTW

  12. ayeth ayethani Says:

    ewww horrible

  13. Swypers Says:

    SO cool! Go Beavs! Now we're ready to go dancing~

  14. sam al-q Says:

    ?????????????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ????

  15. Chirag Sharma Says:


  16. SzepLiny Says:

    This is really cool!

  17. Lee Mina Says:

    what is the song?

  18. N1d2o Says:

    ??? ?? ???? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ??????

  19. fatchat10009 Says:

    Good fun great job guys