Posted on Saturday, 11th September 2010 by Bollywood Entertainment

We all watch movies, we all listen to songs, we all play video games. we have a habbit of passing our time by watching movies so much that most of the time we dont even mind watching movies against ISLAM and IRON MAN, True lies, rules of engagment and many many other movies. there are movies making fun ov …muslims but we still watch and we are use to it by now and this is not the end. INDIA is our enemy, bollywood makes movies against pakistanis but still every pakistani is watching their movies, listening to their songs, watching their channels.our youth is mad about bollywood actors and actress.(even we have cinmas in muslim countries showing hollywood and bollywood movies). They are consistently puting this crap in the minds of people all over the world. people take muslims as terrorists and Islam as a relgion which teaches hatred and terrorist. Just give it a thought…that ALL the terrorists in the world today are ONLY muslims. this word terrorist is so much repeaded with islam and muslims that people have accepted that Terrorists can only be muslims. THINK!!!!!!!!! WAKEUP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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