Posted on Monday, 1st February 2016 by Bollywood Entertainment

So You Think You Can Dance Season 9 Kathryn And Will Bollywood

So You Think You Can Dance Season 9 Kathryn And Will Bollywood

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Posted in Bollywood Dance | Comments (19)

19 Responses to “So You Think You Can Dance Season 9 Kathryn And Will Bollywood”

  1. nsitan Says:

    who cares about the dance.. the girl is so HOT!?

  2. Dishant Dhanesha Says:


  3. Devendra Chaure Says:

    Well upto 1:20 made no sense… but later it ws a good show… fr bollywood song, they shuld consider anyone but Nakul… well it ws entertaining only bcz of these great splendid dancers…who r so strong and effortless in dancing… great !!?

  4. Yanees Joe Says:

    very, very nice , the song too. thanks.?

  5. Shawnee Smiles Says:

    Will's fan kick tho!?

  6. Rahul Kushwaha Says:

    This is not india dance?

  7. Sadaf Khatri Says:

    Movements were a bit too harsh, but other than that, the choreo was great and I LOVE THIS SONG!!! :D?

  8. jackhasanewass Says:

    they made kung fu out of bwood snake dance, snake charmer my ass he was actually catching the snake by the tail and smashing them on the rock, then skinning them and made boots out of them. in short,  the energy was out of control tone it down a little and loosen up bollywood is not a structured dance so no need to keep frame. classical indian dance well that takes years of practice and dedication?

  9. Nikita Dalal Says:

    Disgraceful! Sorry but its not even near to Indian Bollywood !?

  10. asri indah nitami Says:

    Woooowwwww….this very nice, awesome
    Great job?

  11. djsujeevan Says:

    awesome !?

  12. Mario Sergio Says:

    "I don't know if you've noticed but… I've had some experience blowing the flute" (yes… we did notice, it's ok… embrace it!) XD?

  13. Ahmad rashid064 Says:


  14. Sridhar Kaushik Says:

    Nice movements although at places a little jerky. All in all, good.?

  15. Laney Humphrey Says:

    I met will at a convention and he is probably the funniest sassiest guy I have ever met.?

  16. Solace Nerwal Says:


  17. Anannya Sriram Says:

    Oh My Gods,that's so awesome! I'm from India and I'm proud of it!?

  18. MrsTruthTeller Says:

    I think they're dancing too hard. Bollywood dances are more fluid, smooth and not so forced. They were trying to hard! ?

  19. Utkarsh Srivastava Says:

    This nakul dosent know abcd of bollywood neither hindi. ?