Posted on Friday, 10th October 2014 by Bollywood Entertainment

Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Posted in Bollywood Movies & Videos | Comments (25)

25 Responses to “Ghost 2012 BOLLYWOOD HORROR MOVIE”

  1. SanjeevGeorgeV Says:

    But I must say its songs were excellent?

  2. dipen dubey Says:

    In this movie i only like the female doctor ?

  3. SanjeevGeorgeV Says:

    Was not a good movie…just bakwaas ?

  4. billyboyjennings Says:

    31:15 He is the ghost because people don’t teleport like that. Not sure
    though k bye?

  5. eira Rosli Says:

    in the first scene when she encounter, she wanna go to the club or what
    with that tight dress???

  6. Rachel Lewis Says:


  7. Arnold Fernandes Says:

    The script writer forgot one important point. Jesus forgave all the people
    who prosecuted him. He died on the cross to save humanity!!!?

  8. restrivera prince Says:

    ahaha post new????

  9. Sumod Ps Says:

    Too bad?

  10. Abdullah Haidari Says:

    Horror movie in indian accent, that is pretty damn hilarious ?

  11. joyce brain Says:

    Just when i was about to find something better….KAZAAM! Enter hot model,
    um I mean *cough cough* hot detective. LOL?

  12. ajeet singh Says:

    bakwas movie………… dont watch… u r wasting time n tourching
    ghatiya direction …. faltu story…. bc?

  13. Satish Phuleriya Says:

    Its very very bad… movie?

  14. Embun Pagi Says:

    When Farst I listan when she said dont call me sister call me Lia.i’m
    surprise and shock omg,,,,,,same my name…hahahaha.but thanks Allah I’m
    not a prostitute girl,,,?

  15. Bhumbaii Gallardo Says:

    its a waste of time…?

  16. DARK BIKRAM Says:

    Im scared to go to bed #…#?

  17. prateeksha nagar Says:

    hey dear lovely sweet people… :) :) just type in youtube -
    Pyara Sa Pyar
    its a deep and touching romantic short film…. :) :)?

  18. Rahul lemon Says:

    Why they went to disco@ 1:10:20???

  19. million berhe Says:

    wtf why was she sacrificed like jesus. if you are about to watch this
    movie, then please don’t watch it,IT IS JUST A WASTE OF TIME.?

  20. Edy The Heavy Says:


  21. kitten7137 Says:

    Lol sex scene in the 1st 2 mins… ?

  22. tinu bernard Says:
  23. Shenba vv Says:

    Sexy dress for a doctor.. LOL?



  25. Bablu Saren Says:

    Kaya faltu movie hin?