Posted on Friday, 5th September 2014 by Bollywood Entertainment

find me on facebook : Song: Jogan Jogan . A dance based on Kalbelya/Sapera dance technique. Bollywood expressing jo…
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Posted in Bollywood Dance | Comments (6)

6 Responses to “Jogan Jogan – Rajasthani/Bollywood dance by Apsara”

  1. BABIS771 Says:


  2. m. bugi Says:

    WONDERFUL My Princely Gift to u Hope that we interact a LOT-SUCH a GREAT
    Talent hidden inside you as well as your Friends did GREAT in Photographing
    you well-MERHABA I don’t Know what they will Call you in Poland, after YOU
    become very very Famous, We From Pakistan will Call you ANARKALI I Know
    Poland has Talent, But Inspirations from the sub continent are Not for One
    REGION alone-i have some Polish Friends who will also Admire you a
    LOT-BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO Look after Yourself-I hope Success KISS

  3. Marta Machej Says:


  4. DancendByRuchi Says:

    amazing repertoire of moves the dancer has, makes everything look so easy!
    keep up the great work!!


    bardzo fajny taniec, chociaz to nie jest taki typowy bollywood z filmu,
    bardziej cos etnicznego, ale ma cos z bollywood, tancerka ladnie tanczy,

  6. paulette1987 Says:

    Tanczysz dobrze, ale choreografia jest troche przekombinowana. Moze sprobuj
    postawic na ciaglosc jednego stylu?