Posted on Wednesday, 28th May 2014 by Bollywood Entertainment

At the 12th Annual Global Fest FInale Night, Static Bollywood Dance performs a Item Mix.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted in Bollywood Dance | Comments (5)

5 Responses to “STATIC Bollywood Dance at Global Fest Finale 2013”

  1. Elma Shaji Says:

    What’s the name of the first song???

  2. Altayib Alhadi Says:

    whats the name of the last song ? I heard that melody before but the
    singers were a boy and a girl, it was also with different arrangement but
    that exact Mizmar sound melody. can anyone tell me ??

  3. Belle Murphy Says:

    Where did you buy those red hand fans from??

  4. Alisha Singh Says:

    This is a really good dance! ^_^ what songs are they??

  5. Static Bollywood Dance Says: