Posted on Monday, 28th January 2013 by Bollywood Entertainment

Jaynath enters his home with his newly married wife. His mother welcomes them by tradition and inquire Jaynath about what did he get from her family in dowry? He replied, ‘they have promised to give a scooter, a watch & a Gold chain ‘. His mother gets angry and throws away the plate which she has get to welcome the newly married couple and goes in. As Gayatri gets distress and breaks off into tears. Its almost 7.30 at noon and Jaynath’s wife Gayatri was waiting for him in room for their Nuptial night. Jaynath and his mother enters the room with the paper and pen and asks Gayatri to write a suicide note for herself. Merely distressed Gayatri pleads for her life as well insists Jaynath to convince his mother. Jaynath tells his wife to do what his mother is telling her to do. But she refuses to do so. At that moment her mother-in-law grasp her hair and take her towards the window and threatens Gayatri to kill his brother Munna. Gayatri agrees and tells Munna to run away from there and inform her parents that she’s fine and returns back to her room where her mother-in-law is already present with a lady who is carrying kerosene in her hands. Gayatri’s mother-in-law moves towards her and tells her that the suicide note which she has written with her own hands has been safely kept in Ramayana and police too will accept as true. Gayatri shed tears and insists her mother-in-law not to burn her. Her mother-in-law doesn’t listens to her and forcefully puts all the kerosene on her

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