Posted on Saturday, 20th October 2012 by Bollywood Entertainment

Gangaram alias Ganga lives a simple yet straight-forward life in a small village with his mom and dad, and Saawni his sweetheart. When the time comes for Ganga to marry, his parents inform him that his biological parents live in the city, and want him also to settle there. Ganga bids tearful farewell to his village and it’s inhabitants, and travels to the city of his birth parents. He finds that he has an elder brother, his wife, Supriya, and younger siblings too, as well as his birth parents, Avinash and Radha who are all very wealthy. Soon word spreads about Ganga being the latest eligible bachelor, and Ganga is asked to marry socialite, Tina, as per his parents’ wishes. Ganga agrees to everything his new-found family wants him to do, and then visitors from the past come to visit Ganga, and place him in a dilemma that will change his way of thinking forever.

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